Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts

On Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts, Vicki Davis tells the ways in which she is attempting to broaden students learning through the use of a great of technology. She explains how much the students learn independently when given these sorts of assignments, and how they sometimes end up teaching her. Because of all this work, her students were even able to attend a technology conference Qatar.

While I agree with some of the points in the video, it seems to me that in using exclusively technology in the classroom Vicky Davis is closing as many doors as she's opening. Some students simply learn better through the use of books and paper. I, for one, have always performed much better in classes that revolve around more traditional methods, and it is not because I am computer illiterate. It may not be the popular opinion today, but I prefer books to Ipads and records to mp3's. I enjoy having a physical copy of whatever I work on and not one that has been typed or manipulated by any technology. There is never anything physical that can be held and admired anymore, and I think that is a travesty.


  1. Josh,
    When I watched the video about Vicki Davis's classroom techniques I thought it was an awesome approach to teaching. After reading your opinion on the video, I have to change my thinking. Even though teaching everything with technology is a good idea to some, you have a point that every child learns differently. I agree with using books rather than Ipads. Thank you for helping me see that one way is not the only way.

  2. Hey josh, make sure you put all of blog post assignment 2 in ONE post. Just title your blog posts as Blog post #1, Blog post #2 etc.


    Stephen Akins

  3. PLEASE put all parts of one Blog assignment in ONE POST. For each extra post it takes us about 4 extra minutes and with 140 students that REALLY adds up to HOURS!
