Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog Post 8

This Is How We Dream

This Is How We Dream is a multimedia presentation by Dr. Richard Miller that describes a fundamental change in the way writing takes place. He begins by describing a few incremental changes in writing that have occurred relatively recently. One of the main incremental changes Dr. Miller describes is the migration of texts from concrete objects to online. He specifically discusses academic writing and the ways it has transformed from a library experience to an online library experience. He cites his last paper as a time where he worked online exclusively and was able to find an unlimited amount of information in seconds. Despite this radical transformation in the information is gathered, he still views this as an incremental change in the way people write.

The fundamental change that Dr. Richard Miller discussed was the combination of writing and multimedia materials to create a new type of writing. This type of writing is benefitted by collaboration with peers to create projects rather than simply words on a page. They may contain voiceovers or some type of video or slideshow presentation.

I hope to incorporate this fundamental change in writing into my classroom especially since I will be teaching English. I tend to agree with Dr. Miller's assertion that the entire act of writing is changing. I believe that collaboration on projects is an extremely important thing for young people to get used to because that will be much of what their professional and collegiate careers entail. They will also need to be able to use the internet for properly conducted research and learn the right and wrong ways to use it.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post 12

Carly Pugh's Blog Post 12 is an excellent example of Dr. Richard Miller's assertion that a fundamental change has occurred in writing. These are the types of projects he must have had in mind when he thought about the future of writing. Her post is basically an idea for a project that requires the future teachers of EDM 310 to create a Youtube playlist that details what kind of teacher they aspire to be. Her post contained numerous links to virtually every piece of information she was describing. This has the benefit of leading the viewer on a path that not only teaches about her post but also helps them learn about different topics. With so much information available to be linked into a post, there is the possibility for unbelievable amounts of knowledge to be passed in one small blog post.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies are two videos about EDM 310 created by students that do capture some of the issues that students face in this class. The Chipper Series was a story about a girl who always procrastinated and turned her work in late leading her to some interesting places in life. I'm pretty sure everyone in this class has procrastinated to some degree, and I have found that any little bit of work I can do ahead of time helps immensely. The EDM 310 for Dummies video is about some of the frustration that occurs while attempting to complete all the work. It was a funny example of some of the frustrating times all students in this class have had.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn was an interesting video that contained the opinions of a group of forward-thinking educators. They each shared their ideas on what was important in the future of education. Many of their ideas are a summation of what we have been learning and watching so far in EDM 310. The consensus was that education must be radically changed to meet the needs of a changing global job market. Each of the educators stressed the importance of allowing technology in the classroom.

I think this group of people made some valid points. For many job sectors in the future, simple right and wrong answers do not exist and continuing to test young people in this way is counterproductive. I also agree that a greater emphasis should be placed on creative expression in class work because much of what takes place now in a work environment requires out of the box type ideas.



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